Refund Policy

To us, you will always come first. If you have a concern with our product, such as wrong size, print, or wrong product altogether, please let us know within 8 hours of you receiving it on your end and we will replace with no questions asked.

If you have a change of heart and would like to have your order cancelled, you could do so within 24 hours of placing your order. Please understand, however, that any cancellation beyond the 24 hour period will then be subject to our discretion, as our artist already begin work as soon as the order reaches them after you have placed it.

For personalized items, please understand that we cannot accept returns, as unlike other products, personalized items bear your name, preference, and style, and other people may not share this preference, which is why it is not our practice to accept returns on personalized items.

For personalized items, we also make a habit of ensuring our guidelines for source material is clear and easy to understand, so that problems do not arise later on. Our Photo Guide clearly states that photos sent for reference need to be of high quality, as low quality photos will result in low quality artwork. Please also understand that while our artists are immensely talented, we will deliberately not accept certain special requests, such as editing a photo to portray an open mouth, generate a smile, and so forth. This is because the result could be far from what the image would really look like if it were real and not edited. We will accommodate simple requests sch as removing red eye effects from bad lighting, edit eye color, and other simple requests that do not require major tweaking of the original image.

As an example, the excellent samples seen on our site came from high quality photos that have high resolution, and such samples cannot be achieved using blurry, low quality photos.


We will only accept returns which has been acknowledged by our CS staff. please contact them via our contact us form , email or give us a call.